After observing the spiritual scene for the last few years in the west, I am curious to ask this question; Have you ever 'over-serviced' yourself in one way or another?
It could be a habitual pattern in the individual, a possible blindspot in how we service ourselves through excessive spiritual services, diet, lifestyle or supplementation.
Always looking 'out' instead of 'in'.
It could also be the mechanic who charges too much for parts and labour, to the healing arts practitioner who charges an exuberant amount for their time.
It's important to feel into, and to question, when anything has been revealed as feeling excessive.
What is the motivating factor? A question we can ask ourselves, find an honest answer and grow from.
Is it in balance with the bigger picture?
Many of us live in a naturally excessive environment, so it may be a hard one to spot as we often live in extreme duality.
Can we find balance which stems from a grounded place, providing a healthy sense of fairness on ourselves and others?
Something to think about.