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The Story

Since I was a young girl I have always been drawn to understanding why people are the way they are, and how our thoughts affect our waking life. I was particularly interested in applying different ideas and concepts to my own life, experimenting with several styles of meditation and spiritual methods as a way to go deeper into understanding my own self.


My main motivation is women, the mothers and daughters of the world. After completing my diploma with The Australian Institute of Tantra Training and becoming a mother to my beautiful little girl, it’s become more apparent where I want to focus my energy as a woman, wife, daughter, body, and energy worker.


I believe in raising the voice of women with the intention to create a balance between the masculine and the feminine. I like to use art, creativity and massage to enhance our innate wisdom and intuition, exploring our unique expression through sensuality and creation.


 After the loss of dear friends, my mother’s passing in 2007, and my brother’s sudden passing in 2018, this journey ultimately led me to travel to India several times and to Peru as well, in the hopes to understand more deeply, existentially, why I am. Grief has played a big part in my life, which is why I am also passionate about grief work and occasionally host workshops with my father on grief and loss, with a more creative, hands-on approach that goes beyond traditional talking therapy.


In my experience, as we move through life, we are presented with new ‘reference’ points, guiding us closer to who we are, how we best thrive holistically, and feel more connected to the whole.


As life constantly unfolds, so do our choices of action and direction. Where and how can we direct our love more purposefully, where do we need to set loving, wise boundaries? How can we honour our hearts and others with congruency and integrity? The answers always lie within.


 The Tantra which I practice is heart-based, allowing for energy to move in a more balanced and sustainable way. It provides safety, nurture, and an overall sense of equanimity, enabling yourself to tune in more deeply with your own inner wisdom and connecting you back to your Inner Temple.



My formal training and qualifications:

  • Accredited Training & Certification in Tantra Philosophy & An Mo Tantric Massage (The Australian Institute of Tantra Training) 2019

  • Accredited Tantra Practitioner Training (The Australian Institute of Tantra Training) 2020

  • Diploma in Tantric Studies (The Australian Institute of Tantra Training) 2020

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